Some of the best articles I read end up here. I believe this curated collection will level up your knowledge and skills.
Modularizing React Applications with Established UI Patterns Headless components is a hot topic right now. There are many libraries around providing unstyled components with encapsulated logic and behaviour. One of the most popular ones sticking to this architectural approach is shadcn/ui. Author of the article doesn’t talk about specific libraries but shows the way of extracting business logic and domain model of your own application to achieve the same.
The anatomy of shadcn/ui Styling components has always been a hustle. But many things have changed to the better with advent of Tailwind CSS. It simplifies the process of creating headless components. The article gives a few examples of such components and gives an overview of tools simplifying the process.
Rethinking React best practices A good overview of different architectural patterns used in modern Front End development. The article is focused on React but principles discussed are general and rather framework-agnostic. The author talks about the compromises of both thin and thick clients. He shows how modern tools like HTTP/2 streams open new possibilities in delivering fast load time.
Using requestIdleCallback requestAnimationFrame() and requestIdleCallback() allow us to schedule changes properly to maximize the chances of hitting 60 fps / second and providing smooth UX. This two methods are essential for many UI libraries like React. Article gives you a good idea of what requestIdleCallback is and when you should utilize it to your benefits.